Curriculum Development

Planning Considerations

Curriculum development activities align with the University's academic year. Whether proposing a new academic program or modifying aspects of an existing program, planning and consideration should involve admission cycles, course scheduling, registration periods, and the publication of the University's Graduate and Undergraduate Bulletins. 


The infographic above overlays select course scheduling and registration activities against the backdrop of the academic calendar, curriculum approval bodies, and the editing cycle for the bulletin. Please refer to the Course & Scheduling Guide for more information about timelines specific to course scheduling activities.    

Availability of Software and Forms

Documents and forms used to propose new curriculum and changes to existing academic programs is available throughout the academic year.  Visit the curriculum actions section of this site for information on how to propose changes and required approvals for curriculum changes. 

Academic Governance

New programs and certain types of changes to existing programs require Graduate or Undergraduate Council notification or voting.  New curriculum and curricular changes requiring Council approval may be proposed during the academic year when Graduate and Undergraduate Council is in session. 

The Calendars and Schedule section of this site has information on Council meetings dates and curriculum approval timelines. Please note that timelines may vary greatly depending on the type of curriculum proposal.  The Curriculum Actions section will help you determine anticipated time need for curriculum changes based on what approvals are required for your proposal.  

 Annual Curriculum Review

All academic programs review curriculum annually as a part of the bulletin editing cycle. Visit Bulletin Production Information section of this site for the Bulletin Production Schedule and information on editing the Bulletins. Revisions made during bulletin editing are incorporated into student degree audits. 

Getting Assistance

If you need assistance proposing new curriculum, modifying and existing program, or working on the Bulletin, please contact either Dan Saunders or Paul McCarty in the Office of the Registrar. Dan and Paul are available to answer questions or for one-on-one consultations.