Recent Reports, Resolutions, Motions & Policies
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2025 Budget Overview Recording and Slides
Access the 2025 Budget Overview recording and slides presented by the Provost at Senate Oct. 10, 2023
Recording of presentation to Staff Senate:
5.6.22 + 5.27.22 Agenda + Docs
Senate Agendas for remainder of AY
5.611:30-11:50 Sign in; Quorum; Approve Minutes; Pres Announcements11:50-12:10 FPC: TPF Salary Study & Q/A (Scott Toney) [see updated PPT as PDF here]12:10-12:20 Vote on UBAC constitutional amendment12:20-12:30 First Reading (and possible vote by unanimous consent) on reconstituting the Workload Equity committee; see here12:30-1:30 First Reading of 4 motions on gen ed5.2711:30-11:50 sign in; quorum; approve minutes; pres announcements; provost updates11:50-12:05 Voting for new positions12:05-1:05 Second Reading of 4 motions on Gen Ed (see two proposed amendments here)1:05- 1:30 Closing ceremonies (virtual passing of gavel; etc.)*Reminder about upcoming Mountain Campus opportunities for faculty:*
Gen Ed Report + Video link (Reconciliation Committee - April 2022) [+5.2.22 addendum docs]
Click here for the updated Reconciliation Committee Report (RCR) [5.2.22].
Click here for the 5.6.22 Motions document (which includes a list of all the edits represented in the 5.2.22 RCR as compared with the 4.28.22 document below)
Click here for the Reconciliation Committee's Report (4.28.22); in it you will find six recommendations related to four motions. We have divided the report into two sections and five appendices; you should be able to get a quick overview from just reading Section I. Note: The Table of Contents is linked so you can easily jump to the relevant page.
Here is a recording of Sarah talking through the main points of the proposal; it's 32 minutes; you'll need to log in to access it. (It's pretty much the preview presentation that was given at Senate on 4.22 and at the earlier preview meetings, but with a few edits).
Here is the Qualtrics for faculty feedback:
Also, Senators: Jen will assign teams of you to a Sharepoint document; the document will include the new proposed gen ed titles and descriptions (which is Appendix E in the committee's report). You will be able to add comments (but you will not be able to edit the file). This is another way you can help your constituents provide input.
Input received by noon on Monday (5.2) will be reviewed before we finalize the materials to send along with the agenda for the 5.6 Senate meeting. The First Reading of the motions will take place on 5.6. (The motions will be attached to the agenda on 5.2).
4.22.22 Senate Agenda + Motions + Links
4.22.22 Agenda:
11:30-11:40 sign in (+ snow poll for Senators- please complete!), quorum, minutes approval, announcements (including workload equity update, Renée Botta)
11:40-12:00 Provost announcements + Internationalization update / Q&A
12:00-12:15 First Reading of Two Motions re: APT Revision (see here)
- Brief description:
The Personnel Committee moves that two motions be considered for discussion and vote by the Faculty Senate. The two motions propose amendments to the Policies and Procedures Relating to Faculty Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure (APT). The first motion insures that tenure-line faculty approve of any extensions in the timing of their tenure reviews. The second motion provides the same privileges for delays in consequential reviews to Teaching and Professional Track faculty, as are already provided in the APT for tenure-line faculty.
The motions have been approved by the Faculty Senate Executive Committee, the Provost, and the Deans.
12:15-12:30 Vote on UBAC amendment to Senate Constitution (this is pursuant to 30 days notice given on 2.25; see here)
12:30-1:30 Gen Ed preview conversation (Note: written materials are being finalized and we'll get them up shortly; this, in any case, is a preview in advance of the First Reading on 5.6)
Spring FRF due 4.25@mighnight; details here
Submit UBAC/FPC budget agenda recommendations here
Note: Regarding the two votes listed above, FSEC recommends we begin with a request for unanimous consent. Should we not have unanimous consent, and should we need to go to ballot voting, here are details around the language and details:
Shall the proposed APT revisions be approved?:
N.B.: This requires a 50% quorum and a 2/3 vote to be approved on this First Reading; only a majority vote is required to pass it on a Second Reading.
Shall the UBAC Amendments to the Senate Constitution be approved?:
N.B.: This requires a 75% quorum and a 2/3 vote to be approved.
Nominate faculty to serve on one of two search committees; please make nominations by Tuesday 4.26.22:
1) Search for University Sustainability Officer (see nomination form and position description here)
2) Search for Vice Chancellor of Athletics, Recreation, and Ritchie Center Operations (faculty should be supportive of athletics; see nomination form here)
- Brief description:
3.18.22 Senate Agenda
11:30-12 Sign-in, quorum, approve minutes, President and APC Chair updates
12-12:30 Budget (Mary Clark, Leslie Brunelli, Linda Kosten)
12:30-1:00 4D updates (Laura Sponsler, Laura Perille, Mary Clark, Todd Adams)
1:00-1:10 Existing COVID Accommodations, Review (COVID Accommodations Committee Co-Chair, Jen Campbell)
1:10-1:30 First Reading: Proposed New Accommodations [+ Possible Vote] (COVID Accommodations Committee Co-Chair, Chip Reichardt) / Find the motion here
2.25.22 Agenda + links
11:30-12 sign in, quorum, president updates, provost updates
12-12:15 Annual reviews + Q/A (Provost)
12:15-12:30 SRC updates (Aubrey Schiavone + Mason Estes, USG Vice President visiting to discuss students accessing classes while in isolation)
12:30-12:35 30 Day Notice for Possible Constitutional Amendments re: UBAC; see amendments here (Paul Kosempel, John Hill) (note: we are not voting on the amendment on 2.25; we are simply giving notice so we can discuss and vote on this in an upcoming Senate meeting)
12:35-1 Faculty Video Recording Best Practices, Policies (Sarah Pessin & Leslie Alvarez, OTL Director)
1:00-1:30 Student Mental Health and Wellness (Jacaranda Palmateer, Director, Counseling Services, Health and Counseling Center) / PPT here (as PDF file)
2.4.22 Agenda
11:30-11:40 Sign-in; quorum; approve minutes from 1.14
11:40-11:50 Announcements
11:50-12:00 Provost Updates
12:00-12:30 What Faculty Should Know About Student Accommodations Requests (officers from DSP, OTL, Title IX office)
12:30- 12:55 Title IX Conversation (officers from Title IX office)
12:55- 1:20 Task Force on Supporting Signature Work @ DU (Office of Associate Vice Provost for Public Good Strategy and Research)
1:20-1:30 Vote on FEAC seat
Dean Saitta is Professor of Anthropology and Director of the Urban Studies program. He has served as Anthropology Department chair (1996-2003; 2009-2016), Faculty Senate president (2006-2008), and campus AAUP chapter president (2007-2017). From 2008-2013 Dean served as Co-President of the Colorado Conference of the AAUP. In 2014 he earned one of the National AAUP’s annual faculty awards for his work on behalf of shared governance and academic freedom on campuses across Colorado. Dean has extensive experience working with trustees and administrators on a variety of university-wide search, planning, and governance committees. He’s been involved in numerous revisions to the university’s general education curriculum, APT policy revision, and the development of other university policies and procedures. In 2013 Dean convened and originally chaired the John Evans Study Committee. This work birthed numerous efforts to reckon with the university’s settler-colonial history and promote Native American inclusivity on campus. In 2020 Dean served on the Academic Program and Unit Assessment Task Force. Consequently, he has an excellent grasp of academic programming across campus, the quality of which is a major concern of trustees. Promoting strong programs, strengthening challenged programs, and imagining new programs is a critical task facing universities given popular suspicion of Higher Education’s value, the student debt crisis, and the effects of the global pandemic. Dean is currently a member of the Faculty Workload Equity Task Force. His significant service record, deep institutional memory, and strong commitment to shared governance will add an experienced and formidable faculty voice to FEAC.
PDF of 2.4.22 Powerpoint (including names of the panelists and their roles)
1.14.22 Senate Agenda and PPT files (R1 and Workload Equity)
- PDF of PPT on Workload Equity
- PDF of PPT on RI funding preview
- PDF of constitutional revision re: eligible membership; passed with 2/3 majority (94.7% in favor) on 11.12.21.
Agenda for 1.14.22
11:30-11:40 Sign in, quorum, minutes approval
11:40- 11:50 Announcements
11:50-12 Provost updates
12-12:30 Workload Equity (Renée Botta; Kate Willink)
12:30-1 R1 discussion + new Senate task force (Mary Clark, Corinne Lengsfeld, Kate Willink;
Renée Botta, Aubrey Schiavone, Paul Kosempel)
1:00 COVID Response updates (Sarah Watamura)
Bookstore Notice for Winter 2022
Click here for details on ordering books for Winter 2022.
11.12.21 Agenda and links
11:30-11:40 sign in, quorum, minutes
11:40-11:50 Updates, announcements
- FRF extension: 12.1
- Transparency/ pipeline project
- See Senate's Freedom of Expression document (2017) here
11:50-12:00 Provost updates, Mary Clark
12:00-12:40 Budget update, Leslie Brunelli, Linda Kosten, Mary Clark, FPC
12:40-1:00 Vote on Constitutional Amendment re: ‘VC+ representing faculty on Senate’; review amendment (w/ strike-through and additions to current Constitution text in red) here.
1:00-1:30 Community + Values, Mary Clark
10.22.21 docs & agenda
Scott Toney - FPC Pay Comp Study
10.22.21 Instructions for Pay Comparison Help
Carbon Neutrality PPT (as PDF)
Carbon Neutrality PPT (as PDF)
Chip Reichardt- Policies and Procedures for Faculty Development
10.22.21 Overview of Policies and Procedures for Faculty Development
11:30-11:40 Sign in; quorum; minutes
11:40-11:50 Announcements/Updates
11:50-12:05 FPC discussion of bonuses, merit (Paul Kosempel, FPC Chair)
12:05-12:20 Pay Across Teaching and Professional Faculty Lines Study (Scott Toney, FPC)
12:20-12:40 Carbon Neutrality Task Force (Chad King, Executive Director of Sustainability)
12:40-12:55 Policies & Procedures for Faculty Development - 2017 Overview & Vote to Designate Review Committee & Qualtrics to follow (Chip Reichardt, Personnel Chair)
12:55-1:05 Proposed Constitutional Amendment re: admin – revised language & poll
1:05-1:15 Portfolio Replacement Project (Rohini Ananthakrishnan, Assistant VCIT)
1:15-1:30 Meet VCIT + Academic Technology Council (Russ Kaurloto, VCIT)
Resolution / In Memoriam, Donald McCubbrey
In memoriam and in recognition of past Faculty Senate President Dr. Donald McCubbrey
Whereas, Dr. Donald McCubbrey, as President of the University of Denver Faculty Senate, had a deep and meaningful impact on the Senate and on the University;
Whereas, as President, he was deeply admired for leading with vision, vigor, warmth, and good humor;
Whereas, he established a faculty-led process for the continuous improvement of teaching and learning;
Whereas, he led the way in increasing support for interdisciplinary teaching and scholarship;
Whereas, he advocated tirelessly for creating a truly cosmopolitan campus;
Whereas, as a strong advocate for students, he persuaded the University to increase student access by adopting a significantly deeper and more diverse array of open access and open educational resources;
By this resolution, the Faculty Senate of the University of Denver does hereby recognize Dr. McCubbrey’s enduring contributions to our university and affirm his lasting and positive impact on the Faculty Senate and the University of Denver.
* Proposed Amendment
Related to the agenda item listed for 1:15pm, below is a proposed amendment to the Senate Constitution for Senate vote at the 11.12 Senate meeting. (*To clarify, we are not voting on this at the 10.1 meeting; rather, we are raising it at the 10.1 meeting in accordance with the rule of giving at least 30-days notice for any Senate vote on a Constitutional amendment):
Current Senate Constitution language: The following positions are currently named in our Constitution as being eligible to serve as Senators:
Department Chairs, Assistant Deans, Associate Deans, Deans, Vice-Assistant Provosts, Associate Provosts and Vice Chancellors who devote at least one-half of their time to teaching and research.
Proposed Constitutional revision (for a Senate vote at the 11.12.21 meeting):
While the Provost serves as an ex officio member of Senate, and while Department Chairs and/or program Directors and/or other part-time administrative faculty roles who devote at least one-half of their time to teaching and/or research can serve as Senators, the following administrative roles are ineligible to serve as Senators: Assistant Deans, Associate Deans, Deans, Assistant Provosts, Vice-Assistant, Provosts, Associate Provosts, Vice Provosts, and Vice Chancellors (or Assistant/Associate Vice Chancellors). For newly created positions or other administrative roles regarding which Senators raise questions about eligibility for Senate membership, FSEC will work with majority Senate support to determine qualification or disqualification annually and on a case-by-case basis.
9.17.21 Documents
9.17.21 Motion to call special meetings without 5 day notice
3.5.21 Moniker Resolution
- 4.30.21 COVID Acccommodations - Motion 3
COVID Accommodations Committee Report- April 2021
4.16.21 Documents
Robert Walker Angell Obituary (4.24.29 - 3.25.21)
3.5.21 Adjunct Contract motion
Provost response to Adjunct Contract Motion (regular and strike-through versions):
4.9.21 COVID Accommodations motions- 2nd Reading
Please note that some amendments are being proposed. Click below for the list of the three motions from the COVID-19 Accommodations Committee from before but with two proposed amendments shown using track changes.
And for context, click below for the entire report from the COVID-19 Accommodations Committee from before but with the two proposed amendments shown using track change.
COVID-19 Final Updated Report 4.9.2021
New Business
3.5.21 raised (and seconded): Motion regarding increased Senate representation for Visiting and Adjunct faculty
3.5.21 Documents for Meeting
(passed on 3.5.21)
- passed on First Reading with 89% in favor of retiring the pioneer moniker (3.5.21)
- (see 10.30.20 video of Special meeting on DU moniker on Senate's MediaSpace page)
- passed on Second Reading with 93% support (3.5.21)
COVID-19 Final Updated Report 4.9.21
Details For 1.29 Forum on COVID Accommodations
This forum is set for 1.29, 12-1:30; find the invitation to all faculty with Zoom link here.
- Documents For 11.20.20 Meeting
- Documents for 10.30.20 Meeting
- HLC One-Stop-Shop Document
Documents for 10.9.20 Meeting
- Chancellor's PPT: "Campus Update" (saved as a PDF)
- Indigenous People's Day- Save the Date- 10.12.20
- Indigenous People's Day - Display of Solidarity
- Resolution re: 3 hours of paid time for voting
- CO Legal Code - 2 hours paid time for voting
- Resolution Re: Election Day
- Visiting & Adjunct Faculty Motions
COVID-Related Resolutions/Motions (Fall 2020)
(nothing yet)
- COVID-Related Resolutions/Motions (Spring-Summer 2020)
- Teaching Initiatives
- Religious Accommodations Request
- Title IX (2020)
- Faculty Development, Peer-to-Peer, Etc.
- Freedom of Expression Statement (2017)
- Chancellor Search Guidelines